Sunday, 28 February 2010


If I have the invisible wings,
I can fly anytime I want to anywhere.
Unfortunately I don’t have it.
I have only my body and my soul to observe this wide world.

If I can walk towards you..
Gazing at your eyes…
I could take my time to wish upon a star..

Give me your hands so I can reach you..
I will make sure that everything will just fine.

If you smsed me, and tell that you missing me
What can God does?
Watching our body lay down hopeless.. and weak..
You said I have to wait..
How many hours I have to count
I am afraid of falling in love to someone else..

Keep my heart ..
Keep this peaces stick with you..

It is like a dream, I wait until I wake up, but why this dream doesn’t have the end. Can somebody wake me up? Dream sometimes can be so beautiful, that we don’t wanna wake up. But this time I just wanna live in my real life.

How long I have to wait for him, days, months, year, or even ages? Don’t let me count the tears I dropped, I just need you here.

Yesterday I dropped the tears. I always beg to God, that HE can send him to my place. I know I don’t dwell in the paradise, I know I cannot promise him happiness all the time, but he is part of my corpuscle. I need him..

Can he realize that? I don’t wanna die slowly, I still wanna take my time wishing upon a star, I still wanna cherish my life with my friend.

Can somebody near here loving me?
You said that love is unconditional? But where is the fact? I wait..wait..wait…! I count the time, my friend is only time and my hand phone.

If someone next to me, come to me and he says “I do love you” I would accept him, no matter what happened, I will close my eyes, my mind and my ears. I don’t wanna listen to him anymore. I don’t give a damn to what people will say.

For sure I do love you..

♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

In which we're just good friends

It is one of life’s great irritations that we’re not able to choose the people we’re attracted to.

This was my second thought upon recently receiving a text, late one afternoon, from Boy Whose Job in the City I Don’t Understand.

I’m taking you out for dinner. Pick somewhere. I’ll pick you up at yours at half seven.

My first thought was to give silent thanks for his resignation from a large investment bank, and the three month notice period in which he’s doing nothing (on full pay) until he goes to another bank to do something else I don’t understand, but for more money. It means he’s wont to do things like whisking me off for dinner. Hurrah for (his) temporary unemployment.

Whilst on the train back home, pondering the variety of local and awesome country gastropubs, I considered that Boy Who… would probably make fabulous boyfriend material.

He’s hugely intelligent and switched on, and able to hold a decent discussion on just about any topic you’d care to throw at him (and many you wouldn’t).

He’s one of the very few people who can make me laugh until my face hurts and my eyes stream.

He’s quietly but wholly gentlemanly - on a group trip to the Lakes, it was Boy Whose… who hung back during the long walks whenever we came to a patch that was tricky to navigate, lending an arm to ensure that the gals didn’t end up arse over tit in a river.

He’s about to take a large step upwards on a career path that he loves, and is paid handsomely for (he’s exchanging contracts on a flat for which he’s paid twice the price that I did for my whole house).

And whilst, if there are girls around to cook and organise and generally ensure life runs to plan he’ll let them whilst he busies himself playing computer games, he’s on hand to deliver several bear-hugs a day, just because.

I also imagine he must be quite good in the sack because, whilst of average attractiveness, Boy Whose… previous girlfriend but one was a 6’ leggy Columbian with bee-stung lips, whose hotness knew no bounds. She was so hot, we gals weren’t even jealous, merely in awe.

He is, even despite his habit of buying deeply - and increasingly - ridiculous sports cars, what would in horsey terms be considered “a good all-rounder”.

And yet, despite all that, there’s little I can do to convince my brain that Boy Whose… is anything other than one of my dearest, bestest friends. In some ways, I’m glad: I’ve known the guy for some 14 years, and I would never want anything to take away one of my stalwart boys, always around to liven up a dinner party, or get paralysingly drunk with.

p/s: It’s vastly irritating, because to fall into something other than friendship would probably be so easy. But then, since when has that been a fitting description of my life?

♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

Thursday, 11 February 2010

budak universiti

Hari ni mood rajin tetibe menguasai diri.Best gak kalau ade mood rajin ni.Semua benda boleh disiapkan on the spot.Segala jenis assignment dah siap dan tunggu untuk disubmit jek.Nasib baik mood rajin aku dtg betol2 sebelum weekend,kerja dah siap,blehla meronggeng weekend nt.Jadi sebelum meter mood rajin aku makin menurun,nak jugak aku menconteng kat sini.Sedar tak sedar dah setahun lebih aku jadi student U.Walaupun belum degree lagi,at least aku dah dapat bayang macam mana hidup aku bile dah start degree nt.Kalau masa ni dah hanyut,sahkan time degree nt,tak pegang ijazah la jawabnye.

Ape aku nak kongsi kat sini adalah pasal perkara2,habit2,tips2,nasihat2 pasal hidup budak U.Walaupun baru setahun jagung,tak salah berkongsi kan.Macam2 dah aku rasa sepanjang dok kat sini,tapi tak tau la sama ada kehidupan selepas ini lebih mencabar dan menduga iman.Waaaaa..Aku malas nak tulis esei or articles yg panjang berjela2 tuh,aku senaraikan jela beberapa perkara yang aku belajar,dapat tahu dan lalui sepanjang FRESHMAN YEAR.

  • Awal2 semester,selalu spare duit untuk buku2.Takde duit,takde buku!Kalau taknak beli yg ori,beli yg 2nd hand pun dah berbaloi.
  • Student akan belajar lebih menghargai nilai sebutir BUKU TEKS!serius!bukan murah tau.
  • Line WiFi kampus asyik tak betol dan sangat SLOW!
  • Ramai yang sanggup tak tidur malam untuk menghadiri kelas pada awal2 pagi keesokan harinya.
  • Kadang2 ramai gak yang anggap lecture/kelas tuh tak WAJIB,tapi tak bermakna mereka tak perlu menghadirinya.
  • Kerja keras memang sangat berbaloi dan memberi kepuasan kepada GPA.
  • Berkawan and bergaul lah dengan classmate2,ia akan memudahkan lagi kita nanti,untuk ke kelas,dan untuk berbincang assignment !
  • Lebih ramai awek2 cun/mamat2 ensem/attractive dalam satu2 kelas tuh akan lagi lagi lagi memudahkan student ke kelas. Serius.
  • Bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi waktu tidur yg sikit time minggu2 final,sebab anda akan study study dan terus study setiap masa.
  • Banyakkan membaca!Betul!soklan2 exam sebenarnya based on buku teks.
  • Alert! kelas sebelum jam 8 pagi antara kelas yang amat susah untuk dihadiri! wahahahaha. kalau hadir pun,mungkin kurang perhatian sebab mata mengantuk!
  • Study di library banyak advantages. Suasana sejuk ber-aircond, selesa study, dan usha awek pon sodap!
  • Sentiasa bawak Student ID setiap masa,tak kira di mana jua.
  • Student ID-Boleh dielak dari disaman Pak Guard,spotcheck dan dapat student price kalau pi tengok wayang pada weekdays!
  • Macam mana rupa Dean/Presiden/Rektor/dll eh? Tak pernah menjenguk student pun. Kita nak jumpe die pun kena ada appointment.Haish!
  • Buat baik dengan tauke Kafe di kolej anda, sebab kita akan memerlukan pertolongan mereka pada masa depan.
  • Study pada hari Sabtu dan Ahad? Yo'o jek. Keluar meronggeng la! Dah 5 hari straight study, rehat la at least sehari!
  • Budak2 U tak guna dah kot Myspace,Friendster ni,dapatkan akaun Facebook anda di web ya!
  • Tak ramai budak U yang boleh hidup tanpa Mee segera,maggi,mee sedap,mee ruski atau yang sewaktu dengannya.
  • Bersihkan bilik anda at least sekali sebulan, sebab anda takkan tahu ape yang anda akan jumpa.
  • Banyak bermain Game (terutamanya game jenis RPG-counterstrike contohnye) dapat membunuh GPA anda dan rekod attendance kelas.
  • Pastikan laptop atau desktop anda dilengkapi Windows Media Player, Winamp atau Real Player sebab anda akan bazirkan masa depan laptop dengar lagu atay layan muvee.At least,masa diisi jugak kan. 
  • Road trip bleh mendatangkan relaxation.Betul!kalau naik kereta okeh.Kalau public transport,jiwa pun bleh meracau la.
  • BERGAMBAR satu2 nye perkara yang tak pernah dikesali.
  • Satu perkara yang selalu jadi priority budak2 U ialah HOLIDAY!
  • Bila balik rumah, makan selagi boleh makan, tidur secukup2 nye, dan basuh baju2 ye!
  • Kalau mak ayah tanya macam mana study, jawab jek dgn selambe bahawa kita ni study hard dan berusaha untuk dapatkan gred terbaik. Kita taknak mereka risau kan? ahaks.
  • Menakjubkan seberapa lama sepasang seluar boleh bertahan tanpa DICUCI!
  • Berhati2 kalau baru nak berkapel di bawah label Student U, sebab kesudahan grade2 anda mungkin akan sengsara setiap kali anda mengharungi ombak2 cinta tu.
  • Kalau nak takel awek U, serius kena gentleman tau! Cakap depan2, biar terang jelas dan nyata. Kalau taknak xpe ,at least diorang tau diorang ade gak yang minat. haha. Kalau main phewit2 dari jauh, main kacau2 pulak, memang konpem2 kena kutuk kaw2!
    p/s : Ada banyak lagi sebenarnye yang aku nak taip,tapi meter rajin aku dah masuk line negative. Ari pun sejuk jek, tidur pun sedap. Aku tulis ni berdasarkan ape yang aku dah rasa. Mesti kamu2 budak u pun penah rasa kan3? tapi aku ni bukan student baik pun, nakal jek, tapi tak jahat. So,l agila banyak benda2 'baik' yang aku dah rasa. Papehal, study jangan lupa. Kita harapan mak ayah. Jangan kecewakan mereka. Sekali kita kecewakan mereka,menyesal seumur hidup tak guna. Serius. Akhir kata, selamat hari Jumaat dan selamat berweekend!!!!

    Tidur duluuuuu.

    ♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

    Thursday, 4 February 2010

    I have to say that.

    Can I coloured your day...
    Can I just guessing what is in your mind ..
    Just wanna see you in your beautiful eyes..
    I have to find you..
    I can stand to fly ..
    Tell you I need you..
    Share our secreet..
    Running and learn our circle..

    I am only a man..
    Looking for my blanket of cloud..

    I know it was not easy at all..
    I will keep it secretly in my niche
    wish that i could cry
    fall upon my knees..
    can you hold me tight..
    I know you are not hero..
    I know you can bleed..

    From you, I found something new..
    ♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

    Tuesday, 2 February 2010

    laGu RINdu

    Bintang malam katakan padanya aku ingin melukis sinar mu dihatinya
    Embun pagi katakan padanya biar ku dekap erat waktu dingin membelenggunya

    Tahukah engkau wahai langit ku ingin bertemu dan membelai wajahnya
    Kupasang hiasan angkasa yang terindah hanya untuk dirinya
    Lagu rindu ini ku ciptakan hanya untuk bidadari hatiku tercinta
    Walau hanya nada sederhana
    Ijin kan ku ungkap segenap rasa dan kerinduan 

    Night stars tell him that I want to paint your light in his heart
    Morning dew tell him, let me hug him tightly when the cold is fetter him.

    sky, Dont you know? that I want to meet him and touch his face
    I will set the sky decoration just for him
    this yearning song I dedicated for my beloved angel in my heart
    though it is only a simple tone
    Please let me express all this feeling and yearning

    ape AQ lalut nih XX :)
    ♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

    Monday, 1 February 2010

    Can I have a MAC apple & a DSLR?

    Apparently no? But who knows? Cos’ I got none of them for my birthday. lol

    BUTT! (excuse the deliberate typo)

    My beloved says he’s gonna get change me a laptop OR (please not emphasise this) a DSLR.

          But i am thinks that laptop is more sorely needed for me rather than a DSLR. I mean, I’m in college now, gotta start having my own assignment-producing machine instead of wasting PRECIOUS amount of time to WAIT for my siblings to let my people PC at home go.

          AND BESIDES, if my b were to get me a DSLR, he might end up getting one which I DON’T want? lol, believe me, I’m picky when it comes the quality of cameras used for taking pictures.

          AND, I don’t like using the same camera models as others. Example, the cheapest out there is most probably the Nikon D3000 which is owned by 8 of my friends.

    Yes people, 8!

          But that’s NOT the case if you say you were to gimme a Nikon D3000 as a gift. Heck, I’d be over the moon. What I’m saying is, if I were to buy a camera for me own, I won’t get a Nikon D3000. Enuff said? Not really.

         So anyways, the total NECESSITY of a laptop outweighs ULTIMATELY the WANT to have a DSLR.

    Oh yea, thanks for the wishes people! My Facebook profile never looked so crowded!

    ♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

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