Friday, 30 April 2010


Life is getting something and losing another. You can't have every piece of the pie. Time is a one use thing. If you're using it for one thing, it's obvious you can't be in another place using it for another. It's about deciding what's really important. And for accuracy and in case you don't regret, think about the importance in the short-term. Because that's whats really gonna affect you directly for the next few years. For me, i'm going to work hard for my life who's coming in around 3 years instead of 4(SHIT and YES) figure the two out yourself and so short term demands i have outstanding performance in life. So i'm going to design my own life and live it the way i've designed it for the next 3 years. Set.

Enough about me. For MOHD AMIN HAFIZ. Hello man wake up.  Don't see your life as boring, aimless, or doing nothing, shit like that. Your life is what you see it to be. I have two pictures for you bro. Take a good look and think deep.

♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

Thursday, 29 April 2010

What do you want from me?!

It is like I am in the middle of the tornado.
All spining.
Why every one seems so busy with their own life.
If they need someone to talk to,
Then they will be nice to me.
Sometimes I hate this kinda of people
I will say to him/her ***hole
♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

love me please!!!

can somebody help me?

Because I lost my spirit
If somebody ask me 
tell me I am not here

I am walking away from him
he hurts me so much
I cant survive
I dont want him anymore.

I lost my direction
I need someone to help me

♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

Saturday, 17 April 2010

exam make me crazy!!

Di luar sana, bumi telah basah lencun di timpa hujan yang lebat... disertai guruh yang berdegar-degar.. Kuat sekali guruh di luar sana...
Mata makin mengantuk pula dengan cuaca sejuk sebegini... Sedang hinggap dari blog ke blog untuk menghilangkan rasa mengantuk.. Hurmmm... Kalau study pun, macam kena ulit je... Last-last terbongkang jugak...
Hari ini, paper ke dua sudah settle.. Dan esok adalah hari terakhir untuk paper terakhir... Dan lepas tu pula... belum boleh enjoy lagi. Terpaksa menghadiri kem yang khas untuk di'brain wash' selama seminggu... Huh!
Semalam pun kami satu rumah telah melaksanakan 'study maut' berjemaah walaupun macam dah muak... terlampau muak untuk memandang buku... Muak sangat-sangat ni... Tapi, malam ni terpaksa study maut juga.. Alang-alang untuk yang terakhir....
Tengah hari tadi, sebaik sahaja selesai exam, aku terlajak ke warung makan kerana menumpang kereta member kepada housemateku... Sebenarnya dah lama selera untuk membeli makanan di warung terpadam. Aku rela masak lauk 'bodo-bodo' aku daripada makan kat luar sekarang. Entahlah.. Tekak aku dah tak boleh terima.. Rasa kembang semacam. Tapi, hari ni terpaksa pula.. sekadar meraikan kawan... Maklumlah, baru habis exam...
Masuk sahaja ke warung itu, aku terperasan akan kelibat manusia-manusia yang agak familiar.. Ya.. macam pernah kulihat.. Langsung sahaja aku teruja untuk menegur dua orang hamba Allah ni.. Tapi, yang peliknya wajah mereka berdua menampakkan kecuakan sebaik sahaja ditegur... Yang seorang lagi diam membisu, macam orang ada masalah. Yang seorang lagi menjawab sepatah dua dengan muka yang cuak... Entahlah.. Pelik juga aku.. Tegur salah,tak tegur pun salah... Budak berdua  tu sebetulnya rakan sepraktikum semasa di B'fld.. Tiga bulan jadi 'rakan seperjuangan', sebab tu aku agak teruja bila tersua dengan mereka...
 Hurmm.. Patutlah diorang cuak semacam.. Baru aku perasan.. sebetulnya sepanjang aku kenal diorang ni, sebenarnya hari ni baru aku tegur mereka dengan muka yang macam ceria... Ooo.. betullah! memang aku tak pernah tegur pun, kecuali seingat aku sekali sahaja masa kat sekolah. Tu pun sebab ada hal penting.. Ha arr laaa...Patut le.. (Hak ala... memalukan betul!).
Hmm... Aku ni kadang-kadang 'bengong' sikit. Time datang perangai 'penyegan' tahap tak 'hingat' tu, muka orang pun aku tak pandang.. Apa lagi nak menegur... Time datang perangai mesra rakyat tu, lebih daripada wakil rakyat tahap menegur-negurnya... Alamak..! Buang tebiat la pulak aku hari ni.. Maklumlah mood exam.. kadang-kadang proses pencernaan otak ni macam tersumbat sikit.. Tu la yang keluar perangai pelik-pelik ni... Hu!Hu! Lain kali tak nak buat dah....!
Okeylah.. Aku rasa dah tiba masanya untuk aku shut down laptop ni... Sepatutnya aku dah kena mulakan sesi study maut untuk hari ini memandangkan esoklah paper yang paling susah aku akan hadapi.. Siap kena buat lesson plan lagi..
OK guys!! Doakan kejayaan aku... Kejayaan yang diberkati...
(Eh..kenapa aku tengok bantal aku tu macam melambai-lambai je kat aku..?)

♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

keep holding on

I'm falling off the edge of the cliff but I'm still holding on. For you babe. All for you. These emotions ain't getting to my head. Trust me, i believe this loneliness won't last long. You'll feel my body against yours soon, i promise. This long winding road ain't easy, no it ain't. But its the path we gotta take to spend the rest of our lives with each other. And this reason is enough for me to take and scrap anything that might come in my way. For you babe, I'll hold on. For as long as it takes.

I am willing to wait for a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, all my life, as long as you promise me you'll spend the rest of your life with me.
♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

Monday, 5 April 2010

When the dreams come true??

When the dreams come true
do we still need to sleep?
Just because what's in the sky blue
is really deep.

When the dreams come to reality
do we still need to imagine?
Just because flying high around the city
now is easy all of the sudden.

I ask you again, my friend
do we still need to close our eyes?
Just because all God sent
are beautiful and nice.

When the dreams come true
I don't want to sleep...
but how long can I last?
Just because my eyes are tired
my soul are tired
people are tired
I am tired
and I am listening to them

Kahlil Gib-ran: "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."
or should I do what old people said, "Those who lose dreaming are lost."
But really I don't want ending up like Hamlet: "For in the sleep of death, what dreams may come."

You know my friend?
When the dreams come true
I am dreaming of the dreams.

♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

Saturday, 3 April 2010


I had figure it out something...

I don't wanna talk about it....

It makes me sooooo jealous somehow... come? (this question always sniping on my head)

I wish I could turn ".........." back

I am not gonna expect too much...
♥ Terima Kasih Kerana Sudi Membaca Entry Eddy Ezally ! Sila Beri Comment and Like la Kalau Suka ! ♥

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